Friday, February 12, 2010

Like the worlds biggest Reese's cup but better

As Valentines Day is Sunday and I have no plans for any typical Valentines Day activities I decided to make Peanut Butter Brownies. I had to go to target to pick up the brownie mix and icing, and realized we were also out of vegetable oil and brown sugar. So after getting all of those things together and emptying the dishwasher I set out to recreate the brownies we made last October.
Here is everything you need to make Peanut Butter Brownies, along with my pitiful excuse for a mixing bowl (or the pink thing behind the brownie mix).

Here is the batter already marbled and ready to bake!

Out of the oven, waiting for frosting.

After the brownies came out of the oven I made dinner, so while i was waiting for my potato pancakes to cook I mixed together the peanut butter frosting and added it to the brownies

Now for a taste test!

As predicted, the brownies taste amazing!

Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

<3 Sarah

1 comment:

  1. I am so making these tomorrow. Heck, probably tonight. yummmmm
