Amanda's mom sent each of us a great Valentines day bag with lots of candy and cute erasers. In the bag was a huge 12 oz bag of Valentines day M&M's. As I am not one to open a bag of M&M's on my own and just eat them straight, I decided to make cookies with them. Of course I was out of both eggs and butter when I made this decision (which was on Wednesday) and only got around to making them this afternoon.
Baking seems to be become a weekend ritual for me and a lovely distraction from homework.
This is the recipe for Red's Ultimate M&M'S Cookies. I am not a huge nut fan so I didn't use any. I also like that they put the nutrition information at the bottom so I at least know how bad they are for me.
As I am trying to become a more organized person, I gathered all the ingredients I needed before I started baking. I have a picture to prove it!

After mixing making about a dozen cookies I began to get concerned because they were much crispier than I like, and our oven is known to get hotter than it is supposed to, so after carefully watching the next batch they came out looking delirious and not at all crispy. The whole process took about 10 minutes of prep and then about an hour to cook all of the cookies, plus another 10 minutes of clean up and a incident with the hand mixer.

Here are (almost) all of the finished cookies. This recipe makes around 50 cookies, so don't say you haven't been warned!
Incident with the hand mixer? Get caught in the curtains or somethings??