Instead of doing our normal pizza thing this week we optied to make a semi-traditional Easter dinner. We went to Jewel yesterday to pick up everything we needed to make ham, green bean casserole, cheesy potatoes and rolls. It was crowded, being the Saturday before Easter and all, but not pull-your-hair-out-and-order-Chinese crazy. The ham we got did look suspicious, but we went with it anyway.
That brings us to today. Amanda started making the dough for the rolls around 1. Around 3 I started to make the green bean casserole and cheesy potatoes. Both turned out well, though not as good as my moms. I used the recipe on the back of the Frenches fried onions for the green beans and a recipe from my mom for the potatoes.

Amanda handled the suspicious looking ham and the rolls, both of which turned out amazing. The ham took longer to cook than we both thought it was but it was worth it.

After waiting extensivly on the ham we were ready to eat!
Everything tasted amazing and we talked about how we celebrated Easter growing up and thunderstorms.
Happy Easter!