Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mini Pizzas!

So, I said there wouldn't be any pizza nights, but I accidentally lied. For the record, though, the pizzas Sarah & I have made are much better than these. That's not to say the English muffin mini cheese pizzas aren't good though. They're super quick & extremely easy, which is the best! Plus they hit that pizza craving spot so that's great. Paired with a side salad and strawberries for dessert & you have a super easy, fresh dinner!
Easiest how to ever: English muffins (halves), tomato or marinara sauce, & cheese. (You can add toppings too, if you want). Bake at 350 until you can smell them & the cheese is melted.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pesto Pasta & Poultry

So, I realize it has been a crazy long time since we last updated. If there's anyone who avidly reads this, I apologize. May is always a crazy month with school & finals, plus we were both sick for a good portion of the month which means a lot of Campbell's soup & nothing fancy. Sarah is home for the summer now, which means no more pizza nights either.

As I'm going through the kitchen trying to use up all my food before the beginning of the summer, I remembered I haven't made pesto in a while, plus I have a lot of chicken in the freezer that I should cook, and I found leftover sun-dried tomatoes. Here's the end result:

Of course, it wasn't as great as the usual family bbq, but it was pretty good for my homework filled, rainy Memorial Day.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Birthday Cupcakes

My birthday was on Friday and Sarah was super sweet & offered to make me a cake! She realized that we don't have a good cake pan so she made cupcakes! They were funfetti & super moist & super delicious!!

She had a bit of batter left over after making a dozen so she also made some mini cupcakes. But we forgot to take a picture before they were all gone. They were super cute though!

Thanks Sarah!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's been a while

Since I haven't updated in so long, I have 3 different meals to add on today.

Super delicious & healthy! I added almonds, craisens, shredded cheese, sliced ham, and boiled eggs.

I'd been craving Qdoba for a while so I made a giant Qdobs inspired burrito. Super delish! It had refried beans, spanish rice, ground turkey, corn, green peppers, and onion. I was super full afterwards.

We hadn't made anything in a while so Sarah & I made a pizza tonight. We loaded the sucker with veggies & it was wonderful! Our toppings this time were tomatoes, green peppers, onions, and spinach. Très good! Yum.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Raspberry Spring

It's a beautiful spring day in Chicago, and i decided to use baking as an excuse to get outside. Ok, outside means walking to and from target, but still. I had been wanting to make those cookies with the raspberry in the middle but i left my new cookie cookbook at home. After mild serching online I found an easy recipe. They were really quick and easy to make, the time they took to bake was a little off, but my cookies are a little large.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Instead of doing our normal pizza thing this week we optied to make a semi-traditional Easter dinner. We went to Jewel yesterday to pick up everything we needed to make ham, green bean casserole, cheesy potatoes and rolls. It was crowded, being the Saturday before Easter and all, but not pull-your-hair-out-and-order-Chinese crazy. The ham we got did look suspicious, but we went with it anyway.

That brings us to today. Amanda started making the dough for the rolls around 1. Around 3 I started to make the green bean casserole and cheesy potatoes. Both turned out well, though not as good as my moms. I used the recipe on the back of the Frenches fried onions for the green beans and a recipe from my mom for the potatoes.

Amanda handled the suspicious looking ham and the rolls, both of which turned out amazing. The ham took longer to cook than we both thought it was but it was worth it.

After waiting extensivly on the ham we were ready to eat!

Everything tasted amazing and we talked about how we celebrated Easter growing up and thunderstorms.

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Since the weather was so beautiful today, we thought it would be nice to grill up some burgers. There's a gas grill on the patio of our apartment that we wanted to try out. Neither of us had ever used one before but we didn't fail miserably, thanks to the nice guy who was also outside. Though in retrospect, I think the flames were too much because the burgers looked well done but were a little to pink for my liking. But they turned out pretty good nonetheless.

Sarah made a sweet potato for her side.
And I made some pasta salad.
Barbecues are one of the best ways to start spring!